Hair Fall Treatment

Hair Fall Treatment

Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and analysed the way you look up close? We've all done it at some point or another. While some days see bright skin and bouncy hair, other days aren't quite as reassuring. On days like these, the mirror tells you that your hair looks thinner while your pillow confirms the fact that your hair is, in fact, falling.

The average individual has hair fall averaging around 100 - 200 strands per a day. However, when suffering from alopecia or hair loss, the amount of hair that's lost is much more. If you find hair strands on your pillow, on your shoulders or in your hair brush very frequently, it's possible that you are suffering from it. The causes of hair fall range from medication and stress to menopause and hereditary factors. But before you have a full fledged meltdown about this, let us tell you that both hair fall and baldness are manageable.