Is it Safe?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Is a safe, drug-free therapy that can be used regularly without any danger of oxygen toxicity. Thousands of people have had dramatic and in many instances life changing improvements in their conditions as a result of using mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Proponents for hyperbaric therapy include numerous doctors, health care providers and individuals for whom this therapy has been beneficial.

No dangerous side effects have been reported with mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy, however, some individuals can experience a few minor contraindications such as slight fatigue as the body detoxifies (this is safe and necessary). A person can also experience a mild discomfort to the ears when pressurizing the chamber similar to the experience of ascending or descending in an aircraft.

The Hypo2 Mild Hyperbaric Chamber has been included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods as a medical device class llb.